Make Him Worship You


He Kissed Me Like I Was His Sister, and I Knew I Was Alone Again. I knew I’d never stopped being alone in the first place… …and maybe I never would.

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Are You Ready?

Ready to learn the actual, honest truth about men?

Ready to learn the incredibly simple techniques and tricks that will make him not just pay attention to you but worship you like his personal queen?

Ready to finally feel what it’s like to relax with a man?

Ready to be able to give yourself to a him without fear he’s going to turn out like all the others or leave you for someone half your age?

Ready to feel and know in every fiber of your being that he truly loves you and wants to be with you and only you forever?

Ready to feel truly safe and wanted and precious to him?

Are you ready for him to put down his damn cell phone and actually listen and pay attention and really be present with you because you are his absolute priority?

Ready to be his sexual obsession… and to feel his eyes on you every time you walk across the room?

Ready to have him pull you close instead of pushing you away?

If you’re still reading this…

If you’ve felt yourself nodding along and wanting to feel like this…

If you’re brave enough to want to hear the actual truth even if it’s not what you want to be true…

Then it means the answer is yes, yes, yes, yes, yes…

So here we go. Take a deep breath…

Here’s just a tiny sample of the life-changing techniques, truths about men and amazing results you’re going to almost-automatically get when you join the tiny number of women allowed to “try out” Michael’s Make Him Worship You program today…

First, Michael will open your eyes to…

The Secret Emotional Life of Men

Why men are terrified to tell you the truth about what they feel…

And how to get him to finally open his heart and be completely vulnerable with you just by whispering 4 simple “heart opener” words in his ear…

WARNING: Hearing these simple words can cause a FLOOD of instant emotion to rush through a man…

It’s incredibly important you only say these words to him when in a private and safe place and in a very specific tone of voice.

If you’re like me, you probably find yourself wondering every day where all the real men went?

Well you’ll be shocked when Michael teaches you about…

The Crisis of Masculinity

Why it seems impossible to find “real men” these days… and how to find the powerful, strong, sexy men hiding right under your nose – and in “disguises” you won’t believe.

Sick of being the one who has to initiate sex, of feeling unwanted or undesired? Tired of feeling like he’d rather watch porn than be with the real woman right there in front of him?

Those days are over forever, because next you’ll learn how to use your fingernails to…

Unleash His Inner Caveman

This trick will instantly spike his testosterone through the roof, ignite a flash of desire in his eyes, and have him dragging you toward the bedroom with a goofy grin plastered across your face feeling like the most wanted woman in the world…

Sometimes feel like you’re with a “boy” instead of a man? Michael will teach you how to trigger his…

Primal Provider Drive

So even the laziest guy who spends all day smoking pot and playing video games finds himself overwhelmed by sudden ambition…

And an astonishing desire to be a man truly worthy of your admiration, worthy of your respect and worthy of YOU…

Next you’ll learn the one feeling men are taught they’re “allowed” to feel…

The Master Male Emotion

And how to use your Testosterone Telepathy to read his masculine mind and discover his secret heart…

You’ll learn how to unleash the astonishing power of feminine softness and…

The Man Melting Hug

…That makes his heart open to you like a flower.

You’ll get an astonishing collection of psychologically tested…

Seduction Words & Phrases

…that rewire his brain for love and commitment

The “Anger Deflator” Technique

That stops fights in their tracks and deflates anger from him like air from a balloon


The One Poisonous Question

That you can NEVER ask a man if you want to keep him devoted.

(This simple question seems like “nothing at all” to women… but let it escape your lips and it will build like in poison in his heart until it’s impossible for him to ever truly love you again.)

The truth about…

Masculine Shame

Why most guys constantly feel like they are failing as men… and how to make him feel like a “Alpha Male” with just one look.

And why everything you’ve learned from Yoda is utterly wrong and why most men have “given up” trying to be a good husband or boyfriend just six months or a year into your relationship.

The Hypnotic Kiss Technique

That makes the very IDEA of being with another woman absolutely DISGUST him…

Want him to want to spend more time with you?

It sounds impossible, but simply do this one kind-of-odd thing the first time you see him in the morning to have him EAGER to shop for furniture, go to a museum, take you out for dinner or just going for a walk and talking…

…And actually THANKING you for it.

Feeling taken for granted or unappreciated for everything you do for him? You’ll learn how to…

Inspire him to BRAG about you in public so every friend of yours is gnawing their heart out with jealousy.

You won’t believe how WONDERFUL it feels when your girlfriends are begging you to tell them your secret…

How you made your man SO devoted… what “trick” you used to make him so astonishingly proud to be your man.

The “Future Fantasy” Method

That has him planning your life together – fantasizing about growing old with you.

Experience connection and love with you most women would never dare dream of.

What it Means When He “Can’t Perform”

And why it has NOTHING to do with how attracted he is to you…

You’ll learn how to make him feel comfortable, relaxed and “ready” for you with nothing but a smile and a subtle change of voice…

What Men Really Want from Women

Something that he will never tell you even under the threat of torture (because they’ve been taught their whole lives that what they want is “wrong” and that you’ll “freak out” if you learn the truth.)

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, you’ll also discover…

Masculine Sex Signals

And how how to get him to sweep you off your feet and flat out SEDUCE you in a way you thought only happened in romance novels…

How to criticize a guy in a way he can actually hear, and how to use

The “Shields Down” Method

…to make it impossible for him to get defensive and truly LISTEN to you.

How to Give Him “Permission” to Cry

…So all his masculine posturing falls away and you discover the soft and wonderful man inside.

And MUCH more than I have time to lay out here.

All as “done for you” as possible so all you have to do is follow a few instructions that are simpler than pumping your own gas …

Can you feel that?

Your heart beating…

The dryness in your mouth…

That incredible desire to know this, to be able to do this, to have this power?

To have that one special man need you (and only you) like this?

To feel not just loved but WORSHIPPED by him like a queen, like a goddess, like his one true love…

How much is it worth to have all this at your fingertips?

How much is it worth to have him fall in love with you and STAY in love with you for as long as you want?

How much is it worth to never have to settle for a guy because you know there is an endless supply of men who would chew off their own leg to be with you?

How much is it worth to know he has given you his heart… his love… his devotion… and that it is yours forever if you just follow these simple steps?

Honestly, having gone through the program myself…
Having felt for myself how this material changed my life and helped me escape dating hell …

I would have happily paid thousands of dollars for this even though I’m nowhere near “rich.”

I mean, how much would it really be worth to you…

To know the secret to making any man want to commit so you can stop going through the hell of “dating” and spend the rest of your life in love …?

To make your boyfriend chase you and want you and need you like this even if he feels like a ghost to you now?…

To have your husband wake up to the amazing woman who has been there under his nose the whole time…

I don’t want to bring you down here…

But I see so many women every day in misery because they don’t understand men…

They drag their boyfriends or husbands to couples counseling which costs THOUSANDS of dollars and does absolutely nothing to give you the attention and connection and pleasure you deserve…

Or women who complain about being alone, who spend so much money on dating sites and fancy clothes…

But who just don’t understand masculine psychology… what men truly desire… what inspires a man to want to be the love and lover you’ve wanted for so long…

So think about that for a second…

Keep that solid in your head…

Think about how knowing this… how having these tools will change your entire future with men just like they did for me…

How it will keep your current relationship from ending in bitterness and pain the way all the others did…

How it will make sure you never make the same mistakes again …

How it will keep him faithful…

And then ask yourself…

What do you think would be a fair price to

“Make Him Worship You” Forever?

Is it hundreds of dollars? Thousands?

Can you even put a price on it?

Can you put a price on being as happy as I am when I wake up every day and see my man laying there next to me…

Knowing he’s going to treat me like a goddess for the rest of my life?

If you’re being completely honest, I bet you’d say that $297 or more would be an incredibly cheap price to pay to finally be loved and adored and wanted the way you’ve always deserved…

(Heck, I bet you’d think that was cheap to never have to feel that pain and disappointment again.)

To never have to wonder again how he really feels about you…

Because you can feel the passion and desire and love emanating off him like heat from a stove…

I mean, $297 is a lot of money, but considering this is a power you’ll carry with you for the rest of your life and will change the way men treat you forever…

Well, when you look at it that way, it sounds really cheap, doesn’t it?

But you know what, I get it…

I know that even when you want something so much and know it’s a once‑in-a-lifetime deal…

As a woman who’s spent so much of your life giving and giving and giving to others…

Sometimes it feels impossible to be “selfish” and give yourself what you so desperately need.

Which is why I flat-out begged Michael to let me offer you Make Him Worship You at a discounted price that I’m honestly shocked he agreed to…

We’ve already agreed that learning how to make any man you want utterly worship you is worth at least $297…

(And honestly, it’s worth a LOT more than that.)

But because you’ve stuck with me through my whole story…

Because you’ve shown me you’d rather be happy than right…

I’ve begged and pleaded with Michael and he’s agreed to let a very small number of women “test out” “Make Him Worship You” at a tiny fraction of that price …

Which means, if you act right now you won’t pay $297.

You won’t pay $197 (though I think you’ll agree that would be a total steal.)

You won’t even pay $97…

I’ve put myself on the line with Michael here – so as long as this page is up (and Michael could demand I take it down at any moment…)

You’ll get the complete “Make Him Worship You” program for the discounted price of…

Just $37!


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Make Him Worship You